Friday, February 22, 2013

What's in my February Glossybox?

The February Glossybox arrived on time this month! The theme of the box is: International Style, representing the fashion shows to be held throughout the week all across the world. Inside was:

  • Bvlgari Eau Parfumee au The Blanc soap (for body I would presume since it is heavily fragranced with their scent)
  • Da Vinci cosmetics Shimmer Powder for highlighting the cheeks and under the brows. The color I received is a gold shimmer. I have yet to try how this color would work as a highlight for my skin tone.
  • Evologie Blemish Serum & Stay Clear cream. A small sample of blemish reducing skin set.
  • Lisi Liquid Eyeliner, in the color copper gold.
  • Nail Rock nail wraps. 
Unfortunately, I'm not that impressed with this month's box. I especially thought the nail wraps were a disappointment. With their childish animation or random designs, I hardly think I'd wear them! I will give it to someone. Also, I wasn't all that impressedwith the glittery gold eyeliner. It days stay on but the brush doesn't seem to be impressive. The Bvlgari soap is heavily fragranced, unfortunately, of a scent that I'm not too keen on. I'll probably be giving that away as well. The skin care samples I have yet to try, and the shimmer powder is an experiment as well.

I'd give this box a rating of a 5.0.

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