Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Topshelf.

Ever wondered what my Topshelf actually looks like? It's actually a double-Topshelf since a glass separates what's actually on top and what is displayed below. You can see some of my favorite items that I in fact frequently talk about. Fragrances are of course, a must. Need I mention Diptyque as my all-time favorite? Watch. It takes the largest and center position of it all! I have a few candles placed here and there, ones especially from Cire Trudon, Diptyque, Tocca, and Neom. I have a glass mirror box on the left side, holding some of my favorite jewelries from Catbird.

Below my glass cover are assortments of unopened boxes and opened treats that I like to leave on for display. A new collection piece is the Larsson & Jennings watch that I am absolutely loving right now. I also have a few grab-and-go essentials like my Tangle-Teasers and hair-curl things for quick fixes.

All of my makeup is stored in the drawers right below this topshelf. As for skincare, that's stored in another compartment. If you want to see a gist of the setup, you can watch My Makeup Collection video if you'd like! Here, I'm linking it down below:

Do you recognize any of the items?


  1. Love! It's always my fav feature on inyothegloss. You have such great taste. Where is your fragrance tray from?!

    1. I love IntotheGloss as well! and thank you x As for the tray... I'm going to guess ikea but really, I found it somewhere in the corner of my house, unused!
